Full instructions for setup
Welcome to S19 Validating 馃敟
Validating on 19 is special.
Not only do you validate, check miners are behaving, set some weights and get some tao - you also get to sell your access to these miners 馃ぉ
A Validator consists of two parts:
- Proxy API server
- Orchestrator server
The proxy server is the server which has your hotkey, spins up the axon, allows you to sell your bandwidth, etc.
The Orchestrator performs the checking tasks, to make sure the miners are behaving 馃
Orchestrator setup
Starting the Orchestrator server
Currently, a bare metal GPU is necessary for validating the GPU models. Please see here for the full instructions!(https://github.com/namoray/vision-workers/blob/main/validator_orchestrator/docs/README.md)
Once this is done, make a note of the IP address of that machine, and the port the orchestrator is running on (the default is 6920, if you didn't change anything)
Proxy server setup
Get a CPU VM (Digital Ocean Droplet, OVH, Vultr, etc) - make sure you have an open port if you want to run a organic API server.
Setup steps
Note: if you're using a provider such as vast, make sure you expose the necessary ports first, e.g.: https://docs.runpod.io/docs/expose-ports#:~:text=If%20your%20pod%20supports%20a,address%20to%20access%20your%20service. Follow the "Symmetrical port mapping" step :)
Note: Runpod CPU's don't seem to be the best
Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/namoray/vision.git cd vision
Install system dependencies
If you are in a container, run these:
### Install pm2 & jq apt update && apt upgrade -y apt install nodejs npm -y npm i -g pm2 apt-get install -y jq ### Install nano so you can edit the config easily apt-get update apt-get install nano
If you are on a bare metal machine (e.g. Vast) where you require
### Install pm2 & jq sudo apt update && apt upgrade -y sudo apt install nodejs npm -y sudo npm i -g pm2 sudo apt-get install -y jq ### Install nano so you can edit the config easily sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install nano
Install python dependencies
Make sure you have installed the correct python version (python 3.10). If you don't, try this:
sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y software-properties-common && \ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa && sudo apt install -y python3.10 \ python3.10-venv && python3.10 -m venv venv && source venv/bin/activate && echo "source venv/bin/activate">>~/.bashrc
### Install the local python environment pip install --upgrade pip pip install -e .
If for some reason that doesn't work, you may need to use
### Install the local python environment pip3 install --upgrade pip pip3 install -e .
Get hot and coldkeys onto your machine
I trust we can do this at this point ;D
Create config!
Follow the below step
vision create-config
Creating the database
Used to store scoring logs
curl -fsSL -o /usr/local/bin/dbmate https://github.com/amacneil/dbmate/releases/latest/download/dbmate-linux-amd64 chmod +x /usr/local/bin/dbmate dbmate --url "sqlite:vision_database.db" up
VM / BM:
sudo curl -fsSL -o /usr/local/bin/dbmate https://github.com/amacneil/dbmate/releases/latest/download/dbmate-linux-amd64 sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/dbmate dbmate --url "sqlite:vision_database.db" up
Starting the proxy server
With autoupdates
You're of course free to change or use whatever autoupdater you like!
pm2 start --name run_validator_auto_update "python run_validator_auto_update.py"
IF that doesn't start the Miner pm2 process, try this instead
nohup python run_validator_auto_update.py </dev/null &>miner_autoupdate.log &
Without auto updates
Managing organic access
Note this is optional - only if you want to sell your bandwidth
Using the vision-cli is the easiest way to manage access to your api server and sell access to anyone you like
vision --help
Shows all the commands and should give self-explanatory instructions.
You can also do
vision some-command --help
To get more info about that command!
Some Examples
Create a key:
vision create-key 10 60 test
Creates a test key with a balance of 10 (which corresponds to 10 images), a rate limit of 60 requests per minute = 1/s, and a name 'test'.
Recommend values:
- Balance: Depends on how much you want to sell! Each credit is an image (so a balance of 1000 will allow 1000 images to be generated)
- Rate limit: I would recommend a rate limit of ~5/minute for casual users trying out the API, and around ~60/minute for production users
- Name: Just for you to remember who is using that key :)
Now you can do:
vision list-keys
To see the API key. Give / sell this access to whoever you want to have access to your API server to query the network organically - these requests will be scored too, miners must still behave!!
Allowing people to access your server
For them to use your server, you will need to communicate:
- Your server address (IP_ADDRESS:PORT)
- Their API key
- Use server_address/redoc or server_address/docs for automatic documentation on how to use it!